TYPO3 Statistics: ~50% Share by OpenSource CMS in World’s City Websites

TYPO3 Statistics: ~50% Share by OpenSource CMS in World’s City Websites

World’s City Websites (Government Websites) serve as vital platforms for distributing information, providing services, and engaging with citizens. Understanding the CMS preferences of these city websites is crucial for better user experience, ensuring accessibility, and optimizing administrative functions.

This blog has covered the trends, preferences, and insights surrounding the CMS choices of World’s City Websites along with EU city websites. It covers the study of 4 specific Open source CMS - TYPO3, Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal. Through comprehensive research and analysis, we aim to shed light on the factors influencing Open source CMS selection, the prevalence of open-source solutions, and the rise of TYPO3 CMS in the European city website landscape.

Before moving any further, Special thanks to Grzegorz Pietrzak for their contributions to data collection and analysis. Please find the source of this study here.

Purpose of the Study

The primary objective of this research is to examine the CMS preferences of EU city websites, along with World’s City Websites and identify emerging trends in digital governance. By analyzing data from a diverse range of European cities, we seek to understand the factors driving CMS adoption, evaluate the significance of open-source solutions, and provide insights for policymakers and web developers.

Research Methodology

For this study, adopted a multi-step approach to collect and analyze data from various city websites:

Retrieval of City List: 
Retrieved a comprehensive list of European cities from Wikipedia to ensure inclusivity and representation across different regions.

Extraction of City URLs: 
City website URLs were extracted from relevant Wiki articles to facilitate further analysis and data collection.

CMS Detection: 
Using a local instance of Wappalyzer, we identified the CMS utilized by each city website.

Manual Verification
To ensure accuracy, a manual check was performed to validate the CMS detection results and identify any discrepancies.

CMS Assessment: 
Utilizing a local instance of CMSeeK, conducted a detailed assessment to double check the same

Assumptions & Notes:

Please Note: The data herein is representing only usage of City websites(Govt. Websites) of various cities, states, etc. It does not exactly reflect the market share of any CMS- Not even within cities.

This study is only conducted considering TYPO3, Drupal, Wordpress and Joomla in Open source CMS.

Analysis and Data Interpretation may vary on various factors like - Preferences & perception. This study is conducted by Grzegorz Pietrzak and all the credits are for the contributor only. We are best trying to represent the same.

European City Websites Overview

The analysis confide a diverse array of European city websites, including:

  • World largest cities
  • World capitals
  • EU largest cities
  • Polish cities
  • US largest cities
  • UK cities
  • German largest cities
  • Benelux cities
  • French cities
  • Belgium cities
  • Netherland cities
  • Luxemburg cities

These categories were chosen based on their relevance and significance in understanding regional CMS preferences. By examining city websites from various regions, we aimed to capture the diversity of CMS choices and discern any regional patterns or preferences.

Short Overview on Open-Source CMS Market Shares

World largest cities5,19%15,80%0,47%0,47%21,93%
World capitals12,97%21,62%1,62%2,16%38,38%
EU largest cities18,48%7,61%9,78%2,17%38,04%
Polish cities4,25%23,15%0,99%9,00%37,39%
US largest cities10,21%8,41%0,00%1,50%20,12%
UK cities17,39%15,94%0,00%2,90%36,23%
German largest cities7,32%0,00%18,29%0,00%25,61%
Benelux cities16,67%12,33%8,00%0,67%37,67%
French cities16,91%36,36%20,72%6,13%80,13%
Belgium cities20,44%6,57%0,00%1,46%28,47%
Netherland cities13,91%12,58%15,23%0,00%41,72%
Luxemburg cities8,33%75,00%8,33%0,00%91,67%

World Largest Cities:

In the category of world's largest cities, Drupal holds a modest presence at 5.19%, indicating a moderate adoption rate. Wordpress emerges as the dominant CMS with a usage rate of 15.80%, followed by Joomla and TYPO3 with minor shares. The preference for Wordpress suggests a reliance on its user-friendly interface and extensive plugins to manage the complexities of large-scale city websites.

World Capitals:

World capitals exhibit a diverse CMS preference, with Drupal and Wordpress leading the pack at 12.97% and 21.62%, respectively. TYPO3 emerges as a notable contender with a usage rate of 1.62%, indicating its suitability for managing content in capital city websites. Joomla also maintains a presence, albeit smaller compared to Drupal and WordPress, showcasing a preference for a variety of CMS options.

EU Largest Cities:

European Union's largest cities showcase a significant preference for Drupal, with an adoption rate of 18.48%, indicating its popularity among major urban centers. WordPress, although widely used, trails behind at 7.61%, suggesting a more diversified CMS preference. TYPO3 emerges as a strong contender with a usage rate of 9.78%, reflecting its suitability for managing complex digital infrastructures in large metropolitan areas.

Polish Cities:

Polish cities demonstrate a notable preference for Wordpress, with a substantial adoption rate of 23.15%, indicating its popularity among municipal websites in Poland. Drupal and TYPO3 also maintain a presence, albeit with smaller shares, highlighting the diversity of CMS choices in the Polish.

US Largest Cities:

In the category of US largest cities, both Drupal and Wordpress exhibit moderate adoption rates at 10.21% and 8.41%, respectively. TYPO3, despite its popularity in European contexts, shows no usage, suggesting a preference for other CMS options in the American digital aspect.

UK Cities:

UK cities display a balanced CMS preference, with Drupal and Wordpress sharing a similar adoption rate of approximately 17%. TYPO3 shows minimal usage, indicating a preference for other CMS platforms in managing city websites across the UK.

German Largest Cities:

German largest cities demonstrate a significant preference for TYPO3, with an adoption rate of 18.29%, highlighting its popularity and suitability for managing content in German-speaking urban centers. Drupal maintains a presence but trails behind TYPO3, indicating a preference for localized CMS solutions.

Benelux Cities:

Benelux cities exhibit a diversified CMS landscape, with Drupal, Wordpress, and TYPO3 sharing relatively equal adoption rates. Each CMS platform caters to specific needs and preferences within the Benelux region, showcasing a nuanced approach to digital governance and content management., with around 16.67%, 12.33%, 8.00% respectively

French Cities:

French cities showcase a strong preference for Wordpress, with a substantial adoption rate of 36.36%, indicating its popularity and versatility in managing municipal websites in France. TYPO3 with around 20.72% and Drupal with 16.91% and also maintain a strong presence.

Belgium Cities:

Belgium cities exhibit a notable preference for Drupal, with an adoption rate of 20.44%, indicating its popularity and suitability for managing content in Belgian urban centers. Wordpress and Joomla also maintain a presence, albeit with smaller shares, showcasing a diverse CMS landscape in Belgium.

Netherlands Cities:

Netherlands cities demonstrate a balanced CMS landscape, with Drupal, Wordpress, and TYPO3 sharing relatively equal adoption rates. TYPO3 is still dominating with 15.23%.  Each CMS platform caters to specific needs and preferences within the Netherlands, reflecting a nuanced approach to digital governance and content management.

Luxembourg Cities:

Luxembourg cities showcase a strong preference for Wordpress, with an adoption rate of 75.00%, indicating its popularity and versatility in managing municipal websites in Luxembourg. TYPO3 also maintains a presence, albeit with a smaller share, reflecting a diversified CMS landscape in the country.

So far we have seen their individual impacts, but TYPO3, Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress together as open source CMS are ruling the game. Please note that opensource here only means the combination of Joomla+TYPO3+Wordpress+Drupal. Read details on how they are competing with Proprietary CMS.

  • World Largest Cities: Open Source CMS are popular globally, with a 21.93% adoption rate.
  • World Capitals: Highly favored in capitals, with an impressive 38.38% adoption rate.
  • EU’s Largest City Websites: Open Source is significantly present in EU's largest cities websites, with a 38.04% adoption rate.
  • Polish City Websites: Widely accepted and effective, with a robust 37.39% adoption rate in Polish cities.
  • US Largest Cities: Moderately adopted at 20.12%, indicating a mix of open-source and proprietary solutions.
  • UK City Websites: Widely embraced, with a 36.23% adoption rate, showing their effectiveness
  • German Largest Cities Websites: Solid presence with a 25.61% adoption rate, highlighting their relevance.
  • Benelux City Websites: Strong adoption at 37.67%, indicating effectiveness in addressing governance needs.
  • French City Websites: Dominant presence with an 80.13% adoption rate, showcasing widespread preference
  • Belgium City Websites: Notable presence with a 28.47% adoption rate, indicating effectiveness.
  • Netherlands City Websites: Widely accepted with a vigorous 41.72% adoption rate, underscoring their popularity.
  • Luxembourg City Websites: Outstanding adoption rate of 91.67%, demonstrating singular preference.


Some very shocking and rocking news for all the TYPO3 Lovers here! TYPO3’s usage in government websites has been widely observed, Which is again a testament to its awesomeness - Features like security and scalability at its best!

  • 20.7% - French cities (Surprised, even more share compared to German cities)
  • 18.2% - German largest cities
  • 1.6% - World capitals
  • 9.8% - EU largest cities
  • 8.0% - Belgium cities
  • Open-source CMS platforms such as Drupal, WordPress, TYPO3, and Joomla dominate the European city websites, reflecting the preference for flexible, community-driven solutions.
  • Regional variations exist in CMS adoption, influenced by factors such as language preferences, digital infrastructure, and government policies.
  • The rise of TYPO3 CMS in German-speaking regions highlights the significance of localized solutions tailored to specific cultural and linguistic contexts.
  • French cities demonstrate a strong preference for WordPress, emphasizing the importance of user-friendly interfaces and extensive plugin support in engaging citizens effectively.

Thought Leader’s Key Notes

“Across various city website categories and utilizing four open-source platforms, the remarkable average adoption rate of 41.45% signifies a resounding success, highlighting the widespread trust and effectiveness of open-source CMS solutions in modernizing city governance on a global scale, even TYPO3 has made it’s stage to government websites with an adapt figure of around 20.72% in French City websites, Which states it’s not limited to local (German) use only. Further moving to 15.23% by Netherland city websites and then making its way to Luxembourg city websites by 8.33%." 

- Sanjay Chauhan (Founder of T3Planet )

Open-source CMS platforms continue to play a pivotal role in digital governance, offering governments the flexibility and agility to adapt to evolving citizen needs. Again thanks to  “Grzegorz Pietrzak '' for his wonderful contributions and insights of Open Source CMS. Thank You for conducting such a beautiful survey!

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  • user
    Kerstin Eisenhauer 2024-03-06 at 6:39 pm

    I had no idea TYPO3 had such a substantial presence in world city websites! This research highlights the importance of open-source CMS in modernizing government platforms for better citizen engagement. thanks for sharing information!

  • user
    Robert Beike 2024-03-04 at 3:43 pm

    indeed, TYPO3's dominance in open-source CMS usage among world city websites is remarkable and highlights the efficacy of open-source solutions in digital governance. How do you think this trend will influence the future development and adoption of open-source CMS in other sectors beyond city websites?