TYPO3 Products Releases Highlights - March 2024

TYPO3 Products Releases Highlights - March 2024

Welcome to the March 2024 edition of the TYPO3 Products Releases Highlights - March 2024!

This month has been even more exciting for both our beloved TYPO3 users and us. Curious about what's new for you this month? Excited? Let's get started! First, T3Planet is introducing an all-in-one solution for your TYPO3 needs. We are rolling out our professional services to deliver seamless and high-end experiences with our TYPO3 expertise.

The second update is: T3 Karma 12.2.1 is here! Throughout March, our TYPO3 developers and testers have been working tirelessly to upgrade the versions of our TYPO3 products, thus enhancing your daily TYPO3 experience.

So without further ado, let's dive into the major updates and highlights from T3Planet!

TemplateNew Released VersionCompatibilityVersion TypeView Template
ns_ayu12.0.0TYPO3 v12MinorView Template

Newly Launched TYPO3 Extension

ExtensionNew Released VersionCompatibilityVersion TypeView Extension
ns_hubspot12.0.0TYPO3 v11 to 12MinorView Extension

Newly Updated TYPO3 Extension

ExtensionNew Released VersionCompatibilityVersion TypeView Changelog
ns_comments2.6.1TYPO3 v8 to 12MinorView Changelog
ns_comments12.1.1TYPO3 v8 to 12Minor View Changelog
ns_revolution_slider3.9.0TYPO3 v8 to v12Major View Changelog
ns_revolution_slider12.2.0TYPO3 v8 to v12Major View Changelog
ns_helpdesk2.6.5TYPO3 v8 to 12Minor View Changelog
ns_news_comments12.1.1TYPO3 v6 To 12Minor View Changelog
ns_faq12.1.3TYPO3 v8 to v12MinorView Changelog
ns_faq3.6.1TYPO3 v8 to v12Minor View Changelog
ns_feedback12.0.4TYPO3 v8 to 12Minor View Changelog

Newly Updated TYPO3 Templates

TemplateNew Released VersionCompatibilityVersion TypeView Changelog
ns_theme_t3karma2.6.1TYPO3 v8 to 12MinorView Changelog
ns_theme_t3karma12.1.1TYPO3 v8 to 12Minor View Changelog
ns_theme_reactbootstrap3.9.0TYPO3 v8 to v12Major View Changelog
ns_theme_bootstrap12.2.0TYPO3 v8 to v12Major View Changelog
ns_theme_event2.6.5TYPO3 v8 to 12Minor View Changelog

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support of our TYPO3 templates and extensions. To express our gratitude, T3Planet is introducing an all-in-one solution to your TYPO3 needs! We are rolling out our professional TYPO3 services designed to provide seamless and high-end experiences, leveraging our Decade TYPO3 expertise.

TYPO3 Service For Support Products

ServiceView Service
Customization of Our TemplatesView Service
Customization of Our ExtensionsView Service
Support for TERView Service

TYPO3 Service For Decision Makers

ServiceView Service
TYPO3 Updates & UpgradesView Service
TYPO3 SLA ServiceView Service
Custom TYPO3 TemplateView Service
Custom TYPO3 ExtensionView Service

TYPO3 Service For Extensions Migration

ServiceView Service
Migrate tt_news to newsView Service
 Migrate Gridelements to ContainerView Service
Migrate Flexform to TCAView Service


Concluding this month with some exciting updates! We hope you found something helpful for your template or extension. Next, we are planning to roll out more new TYPO3 services for our TYPO3 Users. Until then, happy TYPO3 reading!

See you in the next series!

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