TYPO3 Templates & Extensions Releases Highlights - November 2023

TYPO3 Templates & Extensions Releases Highlights - November 2023

End of autumn and so the month of November. At T3Planet November was busy as usual. And our TYPO3 developers were occupied in developing TYPO3 ExtensionsTYPO3 Templates. Mainly the existing TYPO3 extension's and template's compatibility has been upgraded to make it more functional. 

Let's explore the newest TYPO3 extensions and templates that are launched this month and also check the upgrade provided for existing extensions to improve your website experience and keep your website up-to-date with latest security features. 

In addition to that this month we have launched a new extension ns_personio with a free version as well as compelling paid features. We have also launched a new headless TYPO3 template ns_theme_reactbootstrap to create a website design of your preferences.

ExtensionNew Released VersionCompatibilityVersion TypeView Extension
ns_personiov1.0.1TYPO3 v12MinorView Extension
TemplateNew Released VersionCompatibilityVersion TypeChangelog
ns_theme_reactbootstrapv12.0.0TYPO3 v12MinorView Template
Extension KeyNew Released Version CompatibilityVersion TypeChangelog
ns_faq3.6.0TYPO3 v8 to v11MajorView Changelog
ns_faq12.1.0TYPO3 v12MajorView Changelog
ns_openai1.2.0TYPO3 v10, v11MinorView Changelog
ns_helpdesk2.6.3TYPO3 v8 to v11MinorView Changelog
ns_backup2.4.5TYPO3 v8 to v11MinorView Changelog
ns_backup12.1.0TYPO3 v12MajorView Changelog
Extension KeyNew Released Version


Version Type


ns_theme_t3shop12.0.1TYPO3 v12Minor View Changelog

Wrapping up the November month as it has brought excitement to T3Planet, and we're delighted to have shared these highlights and updates with the TYPO3 community. We will be continuously innovating and upgrading TYPO3 Extensions and Templates, your support and excitement will always be fuel to our success.

Happy TYPO3 Upgrades!

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