10 Best TYPO3 Cookie Consent Extensions for GDPR/DSGVO, CCPA, & More

10 Best TYPO3 Cookie Consent Extensions for GDPR/DSGVO, CCPA, & More

Curious about which TYPO3 cookie consent extensions are most popular among TYPO3 people? In this article, discover top-rated TYPO3 cookie extensions options for compliance with privacy laws like GDPR (DSGVO), CCPA and more. You'll find everything from plug-and-play solutions to more customizable TYPO3 extensions. Keep reading to find the perfect match for your needs!

Managing a website often involves navigating privacy laws like the European Union's GDPR/DSGVO and California's CCPA. These regulations protect visitor privacy but also increase your responsibilities as a TYPO3 Agency.

Most TYPO3 sites use cookies for tracking purposes, such as analytics or remembering user comments. To comply with regulations like GDPR/DSGVO and CCPA, you must obtain consent from visitors to use these cookies.

The simplest way to achieve compliance is by using a dedicated TYPO3 cookie consent extension. In this post, we've compiled a list of best cookie extensions for TYPO3 users, many of which offer free versions.

Whether you need a basic cookie consent banner or a comprehensive consent management platform, you'll find a suitable option in this list.

Before start, As you know my ritual, let’s take a moment to thank all the TYPO3 contributors. I want to dedicate this blog to their hard work and dedication. #T3Kudos

Why Use TYPO3 Cookie Consent Extensions?

Understanding GDPR and CCPA

GDPR and CCPA are privacy laws protecting user data in the EU and California, respectively. They require websites to obtain user consent before collecting or using data, including cookies.

The Role of Cookies

Cookies track user behavior for purposes like analytics, personalization, and functionality. Compliance with GDPR and CCPA requires informing users about cookies and obtaining their consent.

Benefits of TYPO3 Cookie Consent Extensions

  • Compliance: Automate user consent to meet legal requirements.
  • Transparency: Inform users about data usage, enhancing trust.
  • Customization: Match consent banners with your website’s design.
  • Control: Allow users to manage their cookie preferences.
  • Logging: Maintain auditable records of user consent.

In short, TYPO3 cookie consent Extensions streamline TYPO3 GDPR and CCPA compliance, ensuring legal adherence and fostering user trust.

Choosing TYPO3 Cookie Extensions

How did I measure the selection of these TYPO3 cookie extensions from the official TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository)? Here are the main key factors:

  • Most supported LTS/ELTS versions
  • Most downloaded numbers (both TER & Composer)
  • Most liked extensions by the TYPO3 people
  • Most contributed & active in TYPO3 community
  • Most completed documentation of the extension

#1 Cookie Consent (dp_cookieconsent)

Implement a cookie consent feature that allows visitors to manage cookie usage, loading scripts or content only after consent is given. This plugin adheres to the EU Cookie law (ePrivacy, TTDSG), extending functionality to load scripts, iframes, and content post-consent. Ensure compliance with current EU regulations and manage your cookies effectively with this plugin.

  • composer req dirkpersky/typo3-dp_cookieconsent
  • 130,000+ Downloads
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 12.4.99)
Cookie Consent box
Cookie Consent box Front View
Cookie Consent box Extended mode Front View
Cookie Consent box Extended mode Front View
Create Cookie Consent Overlay Box
Create Cookie Consent Overlay Box
Edit your DP Consent Coookie on Cookie Page
Edit your DP Consent Coookie on Cookie Page
Add Your Dynamic Cookie Script
Add Your Dynamic Cookie Script
Cookie Consent box
Cookie Consent box Extended mode Front View
Create Cookie Consent Overlay Box
Edit your DP Consent Coookie on Cookie Page
Add Your Dynamic Cookie Script

#2 Sgalinski Cookie Consent (sg_cookie_optin)

Enhance your TYPO3 website with our top Cookie Consent Solution, prioritizing user consent and compliance. This customizable tool integrates Google Consent Mode v2 and offers essential tag manager options. Sgalinski Cookie Opt-In for TYPO3 ensures data protection compliance, with a clear opt-in banner for trust and transparency. The backend module lets you easily organize cookies, tags, and scripts into user-accepted groups.

  • composer req sgalinski/sg-cookie-optin
  • 135,000+ Downloads
  • TYPO3 (9.5.0 - 12.4.99)
Cookie opt-in consent for TYPO3
Cookie opt-in consent for TYPO3
Information about the content of cookies by the user
Information about the content of cookies by the user
Add Cookie OptIn to Instance
Add Cookie OptIn to Instance
Edit Cookie Consent at text menu
Edit Cookie Consent at text menu
Group cookies & manage cookie groups
Group cookies & manage cookie groups
Track Your Cookie with ease
Track Your Cookie with ease
Edit your Privacy setting
Edit your Privacy setting
Cookie opt-in consent for TYPO3
Information about the content of cookies by the user
Add Cookie OptIn to Instance
Edit Cookie Consent at text menu
Group cookies & manage cookie groups
Track Your Cookie with ease
Edit your Privacy setting

#3 mindshape Cookie Consent (mindshape_cookie_consent)

This TYPO3 cookie extension offers comprehensive functionality to create a customizable cookie consent for your website. Developed with flexibility in mind, it allows you to tailor the consent settings to align precisely with your data security guidelines. This ensures that you can easily meet regulatory requirements while providing a seamless user experience. The extension is designed to integrate smoothly into your TYPO3 site, offering both robust compliance features and a high degree of customization to suit your specific needs.

  • composer req mindshape/mindshape-cookie-consent
  • 90000+ Downloads
  • TYPO3 (11.5.2 - 12.4.99)
Cookie hint Front end view
Cookie hint Front end view
Imprint and datapolicy to appear in Cookie Consent modal
Imprint and datapolicy to appear in Cookie Consent modal
The Cookie Consent Frontend Plugin
The Cookie Consent Frontend Plugin
Cookie hint Front end view
Imprint and datapolicy to appear in Cookie Consent modal
The Cookie Consent Frontend Plugin

#4 Cookiebot (ns_cookiebot)

The Cookiebot.com GDPR Compliant TYPO3 Extension helps publishers, technology vendors, and advertisers comply with GDPR and ePrivacy Directive regulations by ensuring transparency and obtaining user consent. T3Planet has developed a TYPO3 CMS extension that seamlessly integrates Cookiebot, a leading solution for managing cookies. This extension supports compliance with GDPR and ePrivacy requirements, offering an efficient way to manage user consent and transparency.

  • composer req nitsan/ns-cookiebot
  • 17,000+ Downloads
  • TYPO3: (6.0.0 - 12.4.99)
Cookie banner Front end view
Cookie banner Front end view
Cookie bot plugin Front end view
Cookie bot plugin Front end view
Select your cookie preference
Select your cookie preference
Upload Your TYPO3 Cookibot Extension from Extension manager
Upload Your TYPO3 Cookibot Extension from Extension manager
Edit Constant Editor
Edit Constant Editor
Add Your Cookiebot extension from TYPOScipt
Add Your Cookiebot extension from Typoscript
Cookie banner Front end view
Cookie bot plugin Front end view
Select your cookie preference
Upload Your TYPO3 Cookibot Extension from Extension manager
Edit Constant Editor
Add Your Cookiebot extension from TYPOScipt

#5 Cookie manager - Consent Panel (om_cookie_manager)

With this extension, you can manage the script/HTML tags that generate cookies on your site or build a customizable consent panel. You can create groups like essential, tracking, and preferences, ensuring that associated scripts are loaded only after the opt-in process is completed.

  • composer req opfaff/om-cookie-manager
  • 49,900+ Downloads
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 12.4.99)
Cookie Manager Front end view
Cookie Manager Front end view
Inform User by Cookie overview content
Inform User by Cookie overview content
Add a Cookie Panel
Add a Cookie Panel.
Select Analytics Option
Select Analytics Option
Add folder ID
Add folder ID
Add you cookie Script
Add you cookie Script
Add you cookie plugin
Add you cookie plugin
Cookie Manager Front end view
Inform User by Cookie overview content
Add a Cookie Panel
Select Analytics Option
Add folder ID
Add you cookie Script
Add you cookie plugin

#6 Cookie Consent for TYPO3 – GDPR Optin (we_cookie_consent)

The Cookie Consent Panel (Opt-in) ensures DSGVO/GDPR compliance and supports Google Analytics, Facebook, and other services. It works with Google Tag Manager, including Google Consent Mode, and allows easy export. Third-party cookies and scripts load only with consent, and visitors can adjust their privacy settings anytime. The panel automatically updates cookie info and integrates with the privacy policy via a plugin. It's multilingual, supports all devices, and features four display modes, including an always-on icon. Based on Klaro!

  • composer req websedit/we-cookie-consent
  • 45,700+ Downloads
  • TYPO3 (10.4.0 - 12.4.99)

#7 Cookies (cookies)

Display cookie consent with the option to deactivate some or all cookies. Show a cookie hint with an option to disable it. Unlike ext. cookie_control, this extension actually disables cookies without needing an additional JavaScript library.

  • composer req sbtheke/cookies
  • 17,900+Downloads
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 12.4.99)
Cookie consent with possibility to disable cookies
Cookie consent with possibility to disable cookies
Consent for different categories
Consent for different categories
Plugin Settings
Plugin Settings
Cookie consent with possibility to disable cookies
Consent for different categories
Plugin Settings

#8 Wacon Cookie Management (wacon_cookie_management)

wacon_cookie_management (WCM) is a TYPO3 extension designed to help website owners comply with GDPR regulations regarding cookies and external resources. The plugin displays a consent box when user permission is required (the "opt-in" method), saves the settings, and generates a cookie to recognize the user on subsequent page visits.

  • composer req waconcookiemanagement/wacon-cookie-management
  • 13,680
  • TYPO3 (11.5.0 - 12.4.99)
Frontend view of the cookie consent box
Frontend view of the cookie consent box
Include in your Template
Include in your Template
Include External Source
Include External Source
Define your cookies
Define your cookies
Wacon Cookie Management backend
Wacon Cookie Management backend
Frontend view of the cookie consent box
Include in your Template
Include External Source
Define your cookies
Wacon Cookie Management backend

#9 Coding Freaks Cookie Manager (cf_cookiemanager)

Unlock your TYPO3 website’s potential with CodingFreaks TYPO3 Cookie Manager. Effortlessly manage cookies, scripts, and services while ensuring GDPR compliance. The plugin supports EU Cookie Law (ePrivacy, TTDSG) by loading content only after user consent. Simplify cookie management and stay compliant with ease.

  • composer req codingfreaks/cf-cookiemanager
  • 5,600+Downloads
  • TYPO3 (12.4.0 - 13.5.99)
Frontend Preview of the Consent Manager
Frontend Preview of the Consent Manager
Add Your External Content
Add Your External Content
Edit Your Cookie
Edit Your Cookie
External Scripts configuration
External Scripts configuration
Frontend Consent Modal
Frontend Consent Modal
Default Front End Preview
Default Front End Preview
Frontend consent model
Frontend consent model
Frontend Preview of the Consent Manager
Add Your External Content
Edit Your Cookie
External Scripts configuration
Frontend Consent Modal
Default Front End Preview
Frontend consent model

#10 Cookieyes.com GDPR/EPR Compliant (ns_cookieyes)

The TYPO3 CookieYes Extension provides a comprehensive solution for global compliance. It simplifies managing various data protection regulations for TYPO3 websites, from Europe to the Americas and beyond. Easy to implement and manage, CookieYes ensures you meet worldwide compliance standards, fostering trust and loyalty while adapting to ongoing regulatory changes.

  • composer req nitsan/ns-cookieyes
  • 250+
  • TYPO3 (6.0.0 - 12.4.99)
Add GDPR and CCPA Compliance
Add GDPR and CCPA Compliance
Complete Cookie Audit with Cookie Scanner
Complete Cookie Audit with Cookie Scanner
Consent Management Dashboard
Consent Management Dashboard
Generate your policy
Generate your policy
Include in TYPO3Scipt
Include in TYPO3Scipt
Include Your Cookie Script
Include Your Cookie Script
Add GDPR and CCPA Compliance
Complete Cookie Audit with Cookie Scanner
Consent Management Dashboard
Generate your policy
Include in TYPO3Scipt
Include Your Cookie Script

Wrap-up: Choosing the Best TYPO3 Cookie Consent Extension

The best TYPO3 cookie consent extension depends on your specific needs and budget.

Simple Cookie Consent Banner:
If you only need to display a cookie consent banner, most of these extensions will suffice, often at no cost.

Full-Service Consent Management:
If you require a more robust solution, such as listing all cookies, allowing granular control over cookie permissions, and maintaining auditable consent logs, consider the following extensions:

- EXT:dp_cookieconsent (managed within TYPO3)
- EXT:ns_cookiebot (managed by 3rd-party cookiebot.com)

Start with one of these cookie consent extensions to ensure your TYPO3 site complies with cookie consent regulations.

Have a Happy TYPO3 GDPR/DSGVO!

Would you prefer a Ready-made template(s) or a Custom one for TYPO3?

  • 200+Developed custom TYPO3 extensions
  • 90+ Score on TYPO3 SEO, speed & accessibility
  • 70+ Published free & premium TYPO3 extensions
  • 13+Years of TYPO3 experience
  • 5+Bestseller TYPO3 extensions (T3AI, Slider Revolution etc.)
TYPO3 Extension Gig

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  • user
    Christin Freytag 2024-07-22 at 11:17 am

    This blog is incredibly informative! I appreciate the detailed breakdown of each extension's features and download statistics. It's great to see options for both free and paid solutions, catering to different needs.

  • user
    Tom Hofmann 2024-07-09 at 6:18 pm

    This blog post is exactly what I needed! The clear explanations of how each extension works and their pros and cons made my decision-making process so much easier. I feel much more prepared to tackle cookie consent on my site now!