TYPO3 v12.2: Everything You Need to Know

Experience improved performance, security, and usability with TYPO3 v12.2. Learn about the latest features and enhancements of this major CMS release now

TYPO3 v12.2: Everything You Need to Know

After months of waiting, the TYPO3 v12.2 is out with tons of features, as promised in the roadmap. While we have already learned everything about the previous v12.1 that introduced Reactions as one of its highlight features, let us check out what v12.1 has in its basket and learn more.

To start with, TYPO3 v12.2 brings great improvements in the backend UI along with multiple languages support. But that is not all. Keep reading below to learn more about the new additions and changes made to the Filelist module.

We discussed the roadmap in our previous v12.1 review to know how much we have covered and what is ahead of us in the coming months. Here is the update after the release of v12.2 and what the TYPO3 CMS roadmap tells us.

VersionPrimary FocusEstimated Release
12.0New system requirements and breaking changesReleased: 2022-10-04
12.1Interoperability with third-party systemsReleased: 2022-12-06
12.2Improved backend UIEstimated: 2023-02-07
12.3Last-Minute FeaturesEstimated: 2023-03-28
12.4LTS ReleaseEstimated: 2023-04-25

As mentioned and promised in the roadmap, that v12.2 will have a significant improvement in the backend UI and that is what we will be checking out in this blog. Also, in the next two months, the next set of updates for 12.3 and 12.4 will be released with more features.

Filelist Backend Module

While TYPO3 v12.1 brought some subtle changes to the Filelist module by adding the idea of bigger thumbnails with the Tiles View option along with the default List View. In the set of updates, you will see drag-and-drop items, create folders, etc. Other than this, we have Message Bus and Queue, Internationalization, and much more.

1. Drag and Drop Items Into the Tree
Although this might seem like a primary feature, TYPO3, until now, only had the option to copy and paste items or files across folders. However, in v12.2, you can now drag and drop files from one folder to another.

This completely changes the game and makes it easier for developers to move files much faster and more efficiently across the system. Moreover, you can even use CTRL, select multiple files, and use the drag-drop feature for more than one file at a time.

2. Creating Folders
Next, TYPO3 v12.2 has made the idea of creating folders more efficient and faster. While creating new folders, you no longer have to work on an entirely new page. Instead, a small window will pop up beside the process, and you can enter the new folder's name and create one.

Simultaneously, you can access other parent folders from the left menu options or tree structure, making it convenient for anyone to create folders and works on them within the same window. Furthermore, once you are done creating folders, the filelist is auto-updated within seconds.

Message Bus and Queue

A lot of buzz has been going on about this new feature added in v12.2. Earlier, we discussed everything being added to the filelist.

To give TYPO3’s architecture and the system a performance boost and also make it more efficient, we have Message Bus and Queue features in the spotlight. By default, the TYPO3 component's communication was a bit complicated, where the system, after receiving a message, had to wait for that task to be completed before another could be sent. It was time taking and honestly not efficient.

This is where the Message Bus and Queue feature helps in making the entire process much easier. Here is what it does. When one of the components receives a message, it is sent to the message bus that is either processed immediately or is waiting in the queue to be done later based on the task priority.


As we have mentioned, TYPO3 v12.2 supports multiple languages as well as other components of internationalization. Here is what it has to offer.

1. CountryProvider API
The CountryProvider API allows developers to retrieve a list of countries and determine their flags and languages according to the ISO 3166-1 standard. Besides this, you can also get data on standardized ISO codes, the Unicode representation of the flags, and much more. Furthermore, since the data collected by this API is based on the ISO code repository, you can be assured that the data is correct.

2. Multi-level Language Fallback
TYPO3 does support several languages on its front end for customers. By the Multi-level Language Fallback feature, if the system currently does not have the translation ready or due to some error, if it is not available, then the system falls back to any language that it supports and displays content in the same. 

To add more, this feature has always been on a page basis; however, in this new version of TYPO3, we now have this on every piece of content.

Security Improvements

Security is one of the major components of any software or technology that keeps data secure for organizations associated with it, and these institutions must comply with them.

To strengthen the security structure, in v12.2, the system might create a default admin while you are installing the system. Moreover, a strong and reliable password needs to be brought in following the criteria set forth, such as the minimum length, characters, etc.

Other Changes

Some other minor changes have also been taken into consideration, such as changes in the path and files names.

For example, the file “ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL” now has a different location. However, if you have already deployed or are using the file, you might not have to worry about changing the process based on the old location since it can be used as a fallback option.

Similarly, the site configurations are stored in the YAML files and located in the folder called “sites/.” Furthermore, two more items have been added to the System ➜ Configuration modules, i.e., “Sites: TCA configuration” and “Sites: YAML configuration.”

That is all you need to know about the list of features you will be getting on TYPO3 v12.2. However, before installing it on your website, look at the list of these system requirements and if your system is compatible with the new update.

Operating SystemLinux, Microsoft Windows or macOS (this also includes hosting on all common cloud environments)
WebserverApache httpd, Nginx, Microsoft IIS, Caddy Server
Supported BrowsersChrome (latest)
Edge (latest)
Firefox (latest)
Safari (latest)
ComposerComposer >= 2.1
DatabaseMariaDB >= 10.3.0 <= 10.6.99
MySQL >= 8.0.0 <= 8.0.99
PostgreSQL >= 10.0
SQLite >= 3.8.3
HardwareRAM >= 256 MB
PHPPHP >= 8.1.0 <= 8.2.99

The list of system requirements mentioned above is the same as for all TYPO3 v12 and the next set coming forward.

Here is a list of PHP versions that may or may not be compatible with v12.2.

PHP versionsTYPO3 v12
2021 - 2026
TYPO3 v11
2020 - 2024
TYPO3 v10
2019 - 2023
TYPO3 v9
2017 - 2021
TYPO3 v8
2015 - 2020
PHP 7.0NoNoNoNoYes
PHP 7.1NoNoNoNoYes
PHP 7.2NoNoYesYesYes
PHP 7.3NoNoYesYesYes
PHP 7.4NoYesYesYesYes
PHP 8.0NoYesNoNoNo
PHP 8.1YesYesNoNoNo
PHP 8.2YesYesNoNoNo

Once you have researched and learned all you need to know about TYPO3 and apparently all its versions, you can go ahead with downloading and installing it on your website. For this, you can visit get.typo3.org to learn more about how you can download it, and for installation, check the guide here

We are finally done with all the features, requirements, and download process for v12.2. It has bucketloads of features that are interesting to learn more about and even implement on the site.

You will love the filelist drag and drop function as well as the Message Bus and Queue function, which will eventually make TYPO3 more efficient. It is high time to now apply these and test them out practically by yourself and get hands-on experience.

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