RTE Editor Issue with TYPO3 6 & 7

Are you facing TYPO3 RTE editor broken issue with TYPO3 6 or 7? Mostly it causes problem with Google chrome browser. Here is the TYPO3 tutorial with TYPO3 core fix.

Step 1. Open Editor JS File


// for 6.2 /typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/htmlarea.js
// for LTS 7 /typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/Resources/Public/JavaScript/HTMLArea/Editor/Editor.js 


Step 2. Find and Replace Below Code


// Find Code
src: UserAgent.isGecko ? 'javascript:void(0);' : (UserAgent.isWebKit ? 'javascript: \'' + Util.htmlEncode(this.config.documentType + this.config.blankDocument) + '\'' : HTMLArea.editorUrl + 'Resources/Public/Html/blank.html') 

// Replace Code
src: UserAgent.isGecko ? 'javascript:void(0);' : (UserAgent.isWebKit ? 'about:blank;' : HTMLArea.editorUrl + 'Resources/Public/Html/blank.html')


Step 3. Clear TYPO3 Backend Cache & Browser Cache

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