20+ Things Every TYPO3 Extension Developer Must Know

Are you a TYPO3 developer and want to improve the productivity and quality of your day-to-day work? In this article, You will find the most popular TYPO3 extensions that will help you with your TYPO3 project installation, TYPO3 template integration, and TYPO3 extension development.

20+ Things Every TYPO3 Extension Developer Must Know

Are you a TYPO3 developer and want to improve the productivity and quality of your day-to-day work? In this article, You will find the most popular TYPO3 extensions that will help you with your TYPO3 project installation, TYPO3 template integration, and TYPO3 extension development.

Helpful TYPO3 tips, tricks, and extensions can improve your productivity. The TYPO3 community is very innovative and active to create add-ons to TYPO3 CMS like composer, console, extension builder, view-helper for fluid, etc. Here, I’ve tried to prepare a list of useful TYPO3 extensions, packages, and tools. Of course, all these extensions are short-listed based on the popularity and downloads (at TER & Packagist). In this article, I’m going to focus more to list out  “development-related” TYPO3 extensions. Let’s explore!

List of TYPO3 tools that will help you at your server.

TYPO3 Server Compatibility

Hassle-free TYPO3 server compatibility check report

This repository contains one PHP file. Where a user can select the TYPO3 version and check the server compatibility with the selected TYPO3 version.


Database administration tool 'Adminer'

Adminer is a lightweight alternative for the well-known tool phpMyAdmin. Adminer provides most of the functionality you need when dealing with a database.

The TYPO3 community loves composer, Here is the list of useful TYPO3 composer packages.

TYPO3 Composer Generator

Quick composer generator for your TYPO3 extension

Features are: Avoid Manual Composer.json, Don’t do manual JSON format, Write default TYPO3 configuration, Automatically get dependencies, One-click prepare, Download sample.

TYPO3 Composer Setup

Set up required entry points for TYPO3 web directory

This is a composer package that uses typo3/cms-composer-installers to generate entry points for the web directory instead of symlinking them. This means no symlinks to files are required any more, not even the symlinked autoload file inside the typo3/cms package.

TYPO3 Composer Auto Commands

Execute TYPO3 Console commands on 'composer install'

This is a composer package that aims to simplify running TYPO3 Console every time composer dump-autoload information, e.g. during a composer install run.

Run your TYPO3 instance at the console with some powerful features.


TYPO3 command-line binary

TYPO3 core provides basic command-line interface features. It is possible to run TYPO3 CMS scripts from the command line. This functionality can be used to set up cronjobs, for example.

TYPO3 Console

A reliable and powerful command-line interface for TYPO3 CMS

TYPO3 Console provides a clean way to register commands and a sane way to call these commands through a command-line tool called typo3cms.

TYPO3 Console Plugin

Add-ons to Awesome TYPO3 Console

This is an installer plugin for helhum/typo3-console, to ease usage without the need to specify scripts in your root composer.json.

During custom TYPO3 extensions development, the Following packages will help you to be more productive.

TYPO3 CMS Backend Styleguide

TYPO3 CMS Extension to test everything in the TYPO3 Backend

Welcome to the living Styleguide for TYPO3 CMS backend. Presents supported styles for TYPO3 backend modules.

TYPO3 Extension Builder

A tool to kickstart and maintain TYPO3 extensions

The Extension Builder helps you build and manage your Extbase based TYPO3 extensions.

It ships a graphical editor to build your domain model and generates most of the boiler-plate code necessary for you. This includes TCA, Models, Repositories, language files, and other things.

TYPO3 Autoloader

Extbase Autoloading Feature

Automatic components loading of ExtBase extensions to get more time for coffee in the company ;)

TYPO3 is well-known for its robust security, Here are more security add-ons.

TYPO3 Secure Web

Set up secure TYPO3 web directory containing only public assets

This is a composer package that aims to create a web directory for TYPO3, which only contains the entry scripts and links to public assets.

TYPO3 Extensions Compatibility

Productive Analysis for your next TYPO3 upgrade projects

One of the only TYPO3 extensions which provides all the features like TYPO3 Extensions Compatibility Report, Notification of new update via Email, System overview report, Compatible with all major versions of TYPO3 from 4.x to 9.x.

TYPO3 Backup Plus

All-in-one TYPO3 Backup Solution

First-ever feature-rich TYPO3 backup solution with a manual and scheduled backup. Easy to use and configure. Backup your TYPO3 code, assets, database, etc to your favorite backup clouds/servers.

TYPO3 sudo mode

Double security for unintended backend actions

TYPO3 extension provides "sudo mode" to mitigate unintended modifications.

TYPO3 CMS Security

This extension provides basic security features for TYPO3 CMS.

This implementation is a proof-of-concept prototype and thus experimental development. Since not all planned features are implemented, this extension should not be used for production sites.

For the TYPO3 integrator, the Following TYPO3 extensions will help you.

VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers

Popular Extension of TYPO3 Fluid

A collection of ViewHelpers to perform rendering tasks that are not natively supported by Fluid - for example, advanced formatters, math calculators, specialized conditions, and Iterator/Array calculators and processors.

Content Defender

Defend Your Content Elements

Define allowed or denied content element types in your backend layouts.

TypoScript is a centralized configuration for the TYPO3, Here are some useful TYPO3 extensions.

TypoScript Rendering

Simply Renders Your TypoScript

Can render a TypoScript path by URL, especially useful for Ajax dispatching

TypoScript 2 ContentElements

Render Your TypoScript as Content Element

typoscript2contentelement allows you to show the result of TypoScript (e.g. HMENU) as a content element - a simple thing.

As an OpenSource TYPO3 developer, It’s our responsibility to make a better quality of TYPO3 code, Here are some tools to make sure ;)

TYPO3 Code Review Tools

7 Best TYPO3 Code Quality, Review & Lint Tools

Are you looking for good practices on TYPO3 code quality? Then, you are in the correct place. In this article, You will find helpful tips and tricks with TYPO3 code review tools and TYPO3 lint to achieve better TYPO3 code quality.

TYPO3 Extension Review with Sonarqube

Automatic Code Review of TER Extensions

Thanks to the Marketing Factory guys who did setup automation TYPO3 code review tool Sonarqube for TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository).

TYPO3 Lints

TYPO3 Lints for PHP, TypoScript, Fluid, Yaml

Linting is the automated checking of your source code for programmatic and stylistic errors. It’s by using a lint tool (otherwise known as linter). A lint tool is a basic static code analyzer.

As a modern TYPO3 developer, you should configure your TYPO3 projects with auto-deployment to save your time.

TYPO3 Surf

TYPO3 Surf is a deployment tool, suited for a wide variety of applications

The Surf package is a complete automated deployment tool. It is best used but by far not limited to deploy TYPO3 CMS and Flow applications. It's inspired by some features of Capistrano (thanks) concerning the Git workflow.

Deployer.org TYPO3

Deployment tool for TYPO3.

This package provides a deploy task for deploying TYPO3 CMS with deployer (deployer.org).

TYPO3 Deployer

Automate Your TYPO3 Deployment

Are you looking for automatic & modern TYPO3 Deployment? Then, you are in the correct place. In this article, You will learn the step-by-step guide TYPO3 deploy with CI/CD approach for beginners to intermediate TYPO3 developers.

Some of the useful TYPO3 extensions which do not fit to particular categories, here is the list ;)


Helps manage the URL slugs of your TYPO3 pages and custom records!

The Slug backend module is designed to help manage large amounts of slugs for pages and extension records. Currently, it provides a simple list for pages and custom records, which can be filtered with different parameters. Slugs can be edited and saved quickly and efficiently.

Static Info Tables

One of the oldest TYPO3 extension for information

Data and API for countries, languages, and currencies.

SASS compiler for TYPO3

Automatically compile SASS.

Compiles scss files to CSS files.

Thanks for reading my article.

I hope you found a helpful above list of TYPO3 extensions and packages, plus enjoy ;) What’s your favorite TYPO3 extension? Did you miss any TYPO3 solution to the above list? I'll be happy to receive your feedback in the comment box.

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