Welcome to the TYPO3 Interview Series - 15!
We have Richard Haeser with us this week for interesting TYPO3 Talk! Richard is TYPO3 core-developer, Freelance TYPO3 & Symfony specialist, TCCE, TCCI, TCCD & TCCC.
Indeed it's an interesting TYPO3 talk, so grab the cup of coffee to explore Wolfgang's insights about his views, history and potential of TYPO3 and open-source community, and how we can build a better TYPO3 Eco-system together!
Let’s explore his journey with TYPO3 back from times till today, and a lot more!
Heartily thanks Richard for taking the efforts and time to conduct these interviews and sharing your views with insights.
If you too want to share your views regarding the TYPO3 Eco-system, you are more than welcome. Feel free to reach us or drop us a message in the comment section below.
Also, thanks to all Post Status readers, we will see you at the next interview. Till then stay tuned for next exciting T3Interview :)
Sanjay Chauhan
CTO - T3Planet & NITSANSanjay Chauhan, Mitbegründer von NITSAN (Preisgekrönte TYPO3 Agentur) und Pionier von T3Planet, dem ersten TYPO3 Shop weltweit.
Ein wahrer TYPO3-Fanatiker seit 2010.
Mit meinem umfangreichen technischen Wissen und…
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Sanjay Chauhan
CTO at T3Planet & NITSANSanjay Chauhan, Co-Founder of NITSAN (Award winning TYPO3 agency) and Pioneer of T3Planet (first-ever TYPO3 Shop).
A true TYPO3 fanatic since 2010. I bring strong TYPO3 experience in building customer-business…
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